Oh how I sympathize.
While I have already found my man, I too am looking still looking for the "one."
And by the one, I am referring to the person that eventually will buy our townhome.
Let me explain:
You: wait for potential suiters to pursue you
I: wait for potential buyers to schedule showings
You: buy a new outfit, do your hair just right, paint your nails, and pray that it will be your last, first date
I: paint the walls, shampoo the carpet, dust, mop and pray that this will be the last, first showing
You: go out to the movies or a nice resturaunt or a concert or to Starbucks
I: grab Turbo and stratigically park my car behind a tree down the street. Then I lower my seat low enough not to be seen but high enough to spy on the prospective buyer
You: return home and process the good and the bad from the date
I: return home and check all my booby traps to see if they looked behind the shower curtain or in the laundry room or in the dishwasher (all clues to see if they were interested)
You: (assuming you like the guy) wait by the phone for him to call
I: wait by the phone for an offer
He: may not have felt the same, or already have a girlfriend, or just want to be friends, or....
They: may want the parking space a little closer, or the laundry room a little bigger, or the price a little lower, or one less stair, or one more bathroom, or....
Then my friends, we must start the cycle all over again.
Just to find THE ONE
Have faith girls...
Someday your prince and my buyer WILL come!
I love this, you are genius! Cracked me right up :) I'm sorry you still haven't sold your house...we haven't sold ours yet, either. GAH. I almost think this process is worse than find the right man - men don't come with mortgages!
Here's to hoping it sells SOON!
Seriously! What Kaley said!
You had me laughing out loud!
I especially love the part of your spying! I can just see it, your cuteness popping up from your car window! And your booby traps!!!!!
My hubby's super curios as to why I'm laughing so hard right now!
It's hilarious, 'cause I'd probably do those same things!
LOL, you crack me up. I can totally see myself doing those booby trap things too. ;) Fun post my friend, fun post.
~ Jen
You make me laugh!!!!!!!! Your so true and I would never have thought of comparing the two!!!
You are too cute! I love this. You are such a great writer. :) I will be praying for your house to sell soon so you can start your new life in Denver! I'm excited for you guys - I know it will be amazing!
Oh my friend! That blog is the reason I love you so much =)
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