But don't be fooled, going to Vail was for work as well.
So really the post should be titled:
"working working and even more working in Vail"
Mother Nature decided to DUMP a TON of snow on Colorado last week as I was en route to Vail, CO for an organ donation case. Subsequently, many of the roads were closed and my colleagues and I got all-expense paid trip to the Vail Valley Hospital
For all you Bachelor fans out there...
yes, that is where Ryan and Trista Sutter are from (the only "Bachelor couple to ever make it)
yes, I asked the nurses there if they knew them
yes, they rolled their eyes
yes, they gave me the low down on each of them :)
So here I was in Vail trapped at the hospital, trying to find a way for the surgeon (in Denver) to get all the way up I-70 (which was closed) to recover organs. The State Patrol was too busy with all the accidents and snow problems to help but they did recommend this a guy that does critical care transport for them in these situations. We called up the Good Samaritan and he volunteered to drive our surgeon from Denver to Vail (typically a 90 min drive) and back in the middle of the night in his Hummer, the Beast.
And yes, that is the name he gave his car...which truly is a beast because 3 1/2 hours later they arrived at the hospital safe and sound. The roads had to be bad though because even the Beast went off the road, into a ditch full of snow, on the way up the mountain. But the difference between the Beast and the other cars on the road was that "the Beast is able to get herself out of the ditches."
Thankfully, we were able to recover the liver and kidneys to save three people's lives. The surgeon and the Good Samaritan made it back to Denver safely and I got to stay in a SWEET hotel room in Vail. There was a fireplace in my room, a full view of the slopes and deliciously- overpriced room service. Too bad, I was only in the room from 2 am to 9 am but nevertheless I enjoyed the bed.
Sometimes I get tired of working but honestly, I do have a great job.
On most occasions, I know that no matter how long and hard I work that people's lives are saved.
And sometimes, I get paid to go on fun little adventures.
so, what is the low-down on Trista & Ryan?? :)
love it. you do have a good job :)
Trista bleached her hair blonde just long enough to win the heart of the sweet Ryan. I liked her hair better blonde and if he wasn't so sweet he would say so too.
They have cute kids, but that Trista "baby" voice is also not my favorite. Do I sound jealous?
Ah, oh, not good! :)
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