So today is my first day off in 16 days and blogging has obviously been taking a backseat to work lately. I am trying to find the balance in life {aren't we all?} and not doing such a good job due to the
aforementioned work schedule. And guess what? Tomorrow I am back on-call and working 5 more days. I know work is
necessary and
I do love what I do but the hours and the schedule,
hmmm are they worth it? I rarely see friends, am constantly cancelling on people, getting involved at church is pretty non-existent and running, well it's like two steps forward and one step back. Thankfully David understands and my relationship with him {and Turbo} has not suffered. Somehow I seem to be able to
make time for him and he for me. Yep, I married one of those "good ones."
Can dogs get fevers? If so, how would one treat it? Tylenol is probably not the best even if it is the liquid kind. The reason that I ask is Turbo seems a little "hot" to me. When I pet him, he seems warm and when he gives me my daily dose of kisses, his tongue seems really warm. Not sure what to do about it.
I am ADDICTED to Inta Juice. It's this smoothie place in Parker and I love it SO. The pomegranate smoothie is my new best friend {since I don't really have time for my other friends} and I get it after every case. yum, yum!
I love summer. I love flowers. I love my mom {who I get to see today!!}. The end.
Oh and here is a picture of Turbo..isn't he just adorable {please bare with me, I don't have kids}!!!!

you're too cute. Can dogs get fevers? I'm not really sure...I think so. HOT DOGS. probably.
Of course he is adorable, why not brag about him a little. I completely appreciate it =)
I miss you tons but sympathize for you more.
Dogs do get fevers and I think you do actually give them Tylenol but not 100%.
I hope you 16 day stretch was not as bad as it sounds (but I am guessing it was).
I LOVE YOU FRIEND and those were my ramblings for the day! hehe
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