Here are the rules for the Honest Scrap recipients:
♥ list 10 honest things about yourself. Come on, don't be shy...
1. I love Ketchup...on just about anything...and my friends know that and even give it to me for my birthday
2. Sometimes I hide my dog in my bed at night so he can sleep with me (completely against the rules, sorry babe!)
3. I can spend hours reading about other people's lives (whom I do not know) on their blogs (do you think this is the effects of being a practically only child??)
4. I loooooove shopping and spending money even though I try to come across thrify.
5. I wish I had been more social in college because I think I missed out on some great friendships.
6. Sarah Palin seemed like a great choice to me!
7. I like attention (so please comment on my blog)
8. I still miss my dad and frequently think about other people in my life dying
9. Sometimes I am too critical of others
10. I was engaged once before I met my wonderful, handsome, sweet hubby.
♥ pass the award onto 7 blogs that you find brilliant in their content or design
Cassie--she is one of my favorite friends
Whittaker Woman--always has something good to say
Audrey Hannah--best photographer, I could look at her pictures for hours
here's how--talk about honest...
Jen--her and her hubby have such a full life, I love it!
Joanna--Her blog is always fun to read...check out her cute kids
Ashley--heart of gold, love her!
♥ link to the blogger who gave you this prize
♥ link to the blogs receiving the prize
♥ notify the recipients
So Fun!
YOU are right. I don't do these. Especially ones like this where you have to think of things. BUT I did love every answer of yours! H
That was super cute friend!
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