The short story goes something like this: my colleague and I had to take an organ donor to the OR emergently, the surgeons refused to recover due a personal opinion, it was 3 am, we hadn't slept in almost 24 hours and we HAD to find a solution to the problem. Sound fun???
Not so much.
I am pretty sure that about 3 different doctors showed me how skilled they are at using as many 4 letter words as possible in one sentence and then they would hang up the phone before I can get a word in. Good thing I told them all my name was "Phyllis".
I had to get in contact with the neurosurgeon on the case, who had missed his wife's birthday party the day before and had the worst day ever in the ICU, to rewrite a brain death note. Let's just say he that he didn't jump at the opportunity to become lifelong friends.
The amusing part of the night was that he ended his phone conversation (on speaker phone) with me like this:
me: "thank you sir and I apologize for having to bother you so much tonight and appreciate your willingness to help...yada yada yada..."
him: "Good night and will you please be sure to put a hand grenade in the transplant surgeon's orange juice?"
me: "Sure!"
Here I am now, after 4 hours of sleep, needing some therapy...
R-E-T-A-I-L therapy!
Can you guess where I am headed?

get some sleeeep.
p.s. kaley found some really cute flats at targ the other day. only 12 bucks. i think you need some.
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