Pick a number between 1 and 3
Picked yet????
Now please go to the corresponding number on the list below and if you have time, please say a prayer for that person/family. I have changed the names of those that the Lord has placed on my heart so that they can remain anonymous. However, the Lord knows whom I have in mind.
I wholeheartedly believe in the power of prayer. I know that the more people that approach the throne of God on behalf of another, the more it power of the Holy Spirit is activated. In turn, I promise to pray for you if you would like to send me a prayer request at dafarmer06@aol.com.
**The List***
1. The "biggest family ever" has lost their home to mold this past October. They have 9 children total and had to leave all their belongings in the house and move to a different state to receive treatment for all the diseases that they acquired as a result of the mold. Please pray for their health, their finances and that their family would become closer in this time of trial
2. A lady "Ann" that I know has just been advised by the police to get a divorce from her abusive husband of 10 years and to file a restraining order. Ann is true follower of Christ and has never felt peace about this decision until now. Please pray for her safety and the direction of the Lord during this process. Divorce is never something that she wanted and she now struggles will feelings of failure.
3. My dear friend "Heidi" is going for a doctor's appointment this week to see if she may have breast cancer. She is only in her early 30's but her family has a history of cancer. She is such a giving person that always puts others before herself. Please pray for peace in her heart, that she would feel the Lord standing next to her as she walks through this week. Pray also for healing in her body.
I'm prayin for #2. I totally was going to start some sort of prayer thingie kinda like you did the other day. I even designed a little button/header for it...thinking maybe it would catch on. If i do...I might steal your 'PICK a #' idea.
So the other day in the car I was talking to Andy and go "So...my friend Ali Farmer...[insert story from your blog]"
I talk about you like we live next door to each other. haha. I'm a dork. I truly do have many real-life friends...but NOW...I have cyber friends too : ) haha.
I picked #2, but now I am going to pray for them all. I am also saying a little prayer for you Ali and thanking God that you care about others.
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