Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My "gold" Friend

Have you ever heard that song that goes, "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold..?" I used to sing that song at camp when I was younger and for some reason still remember part of it.

This past weekend I got to see one of my long time friends , Vanessa. She is what you could call a "gold" friend. We met each other in 8th grade..ugh, the memories of middle school!
We are both married now and live in different cities (her in Fort Collins and me in Colorado Springs). It's just far enough that our visits with one another are few and far between. We keep in touch through email and blogging but nothing compares to spending some face-to-face time with her.

Here we are on Labor Day at her parent's pool

(if only they had that when we were in high school!)

I am so thankful that Vanessa and I are still friends after all these years. She is so solid in her faith and her relationships. She is very intelligent and I enjoy having medical/scientific conversations with her. I love how when we haven't seen each other in months that we pick up right where we left off. I love that she has known me through so many seasons of life and that we still have so much in common.

Thanks Vanessa for being such a wonderful "old" friend!


Robin Egger said...

i agree whole heatedly with this blog ali! V is probably one of the most "golden" friends i have.

Unknown said...

Thanks Ali! That was really special to hear.

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