Sunday, December 28, 2008

We're the Farmer's, Part 4

Remember my post about going here

Well, David and I checked today to see what time we are leaving from DIA.
I knew it was early in the morning on January 9th and my best guess was around 6 or 7 am.

Well I was WAY off...0130 in the MORNING!!!!!!!!

Who booked that flight???
Mom? David? Turbo? WAS me

What was I thinking?
Was I sleep-walking and booked our flight?
Was I hoping for some quality sleep in a window seat on a dirty airplane?
Did someone hijack my Travelocity account?

Oh wait, I remember...we couldn't use our frequent flyer miles on our flight to Ft. Lauderdale because Frontier doesn't let you use them for that destination (yes, I am working through my bitterness!).

I wanted the cheapest flight and I guess flying at 130 in the morning is cheaper.
In David's words, "it will be an adventure!"

Here's to hoping I get an airplane pillow for Christmas,

Saturday, December 27, 2008

"The Granddaddy of them ALL..."

I am pretty sure I am going to get the "wife of the year" award for 2008 and 2009 from David.

Why am I so blatantly confidant, you ask?

Let me explain my hubby ...
More importantly, HE LOVES FOOTBALL!!!

And I (the Lord really) managed to get him tickets to the ROSE BOWL when we are in Cali for this.

Getting the tickets should cover all the times I have cried, begged for back rubs, made gross dinners and nagged him about folding laundry for 2008.


Going should cover all the times I will cry, beg and nag in 2009

So don't you see, I am pretty much guaranteed the award!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

MeRrY cHrIsTmAs!

For those of you whose address I don't have...


If my sweet hubby accidentally wrote your address wrong and the Christmas card we sent was returned...

Here is the picture we used for our Christmas Card this year:

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

mmm, mmm, good!

One may think that my new craving for Chinese food and oranges is a result of me being with child...

Don't jump up and down just yet,
I am NOT preggo.

For some reason when I am sick, I start to crave certain things.

Last time it was Lemon Berry Slushes!
Now, it is Asian food and Oranges (Cuties to be exact!)

Last night David and I went to Pei Wei... I ordered the most spicy, delicious tasting Kung Pao. Today I ate the left overs for breakfast and lunch.

Not to mention, I have eaten almost a whole crate of the cuties that I bought on Tuesday..oh my!

All I can think about right now is convincing David to take me to Pei Wei again tomorrow after church...any suggestions?

Now, let me be truthful...I anticipate my new love of Asian cuisine to quickly fall by the way. This will happen when head is no longer congested and my brain can hear common sense yelling louder than my taste buds,"Eating Pei Wei every day is NOT healthy!!"

Until then, where are my chop sticks???

Friday, December 19, 2008

Honest sCrap???

Oh the joy, Oh the bliss...I have been nominated for my very first blog award by Vanity. If you haven't read her blog, go check it out...she has great stories! :)

Here are the rules for the Honest Scrap recipients:

♥ list 10 honest things about yourself. Come on, don't be shy...

1. I love Ketchup...on just about anything...and my friends know that and even give it to me for my birthday

2. Sometimes I hide my dog in my bed at night so he can sleep with me (completely against the rules, sorry babe!)

3. I can spend hours reading about other people's lives (whom I do not know) on their blogs (do you think this is the effects of being a practically only child??)

4. I loooooove shopping and spending money even though I try to come across thrify.

5. I wish I had been more social in college because I think I missed out on some great friendships.

6. Sarah Palin seemed like a great choice to me!

7. I like attention (so please comment on my blog)

8. I still miss my dad and frequently think about other people in my life dying

9. Sometimes I am too critical of others

10. I was engaged once before I met my wonderful, handsome, sweet hubby.

♥ pass the award onto 7 blogs that you find brilliant in their content or design

Cassie--she is one of my favorite friends
Whittaker Woman--always has something good to say
Audrey Hannah--best photographer, I could look at her pictures for hours
here's how--talk about honest...
Jen--her and her hubby have such a full life, I love it!
Joanna--Her blog is always fun to read...check out her cute kids
Ashley--heart of gold, love her!

♥ link to the blogger who gave you this prize
♥ link to the blogs receiving the prize
♥ notify the recipients

So Fun!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Traditions

David and I both agree that it is important to have "family traditions" around the holidays. It keeps everything fun and produces great memories.

One of our Christmas traditions is to build a gingerbread house around Christmas time. This is the 3rd year that we have done it and this time our gingerbread house has progressed to a gingerbread train.

Last year:

This year:

What is a holiday tradition that you have?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Public Service Announcement

Want free food?

Go to Chick-fil-A on December 13th and save your receipt...

Then take that same receipt (in January or February 2009) back to Chick-fil-A.

They will give you all that you bought on Dec 13th for FREE!


Sunday, December 7, 2008

In one month...

We will be boarding this...

Going somewhere that hopefully looks like this...

And I will not be touching this...

I can't wait!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

We are not usually "fair" weather fans!

Here in the Farmer household, being a Bronco Fan is next to godliness. Not really but David's sisters better not marry Raiders fans or we might have to go on Dr. Phil to sort out the problems that will arise from that union. Ever heard someone say that is is not good to be unequally yoked? Well that counts for football teams as well!

Last month we were able to go to a Bronco game for David's Birthday. It was a lot of fun even though the Bronco's lost to the Miami Dolphins (how embarrassing!).

I think it was the first game I have ever been to where there was no precipitation falling from the sky and I wasn't freeeeezing to death. Ahh, the good things in life. :)

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