Monday, November 24, 2008

I WAS hopeful, but...

Here in Colorado (as most of you know), it has been unseasonably warm for November. Yipeee!

Therefore, I got it in my mind that there was a small glimmer of hope that it may just be a little warmer on Thanksgiving this year. Why do I care??

You see it is a Farmer Family Tradition (aka David and Ali's family tradition) to run the Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving.

Last year it was SOOOO cold that I thought I was going to cry because every appendage of my body was FrOzEn! This year, I thought I might even get away with running in shorts since I have been doing that the last few weeks.

Well today I saw the 5-day forcast projection for Thursday:
rain/snow showers, high 40, low 30

ugh! It will be chilly and hopefully we won't freeze to death!


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