Tuesday, April 7, 2009


On March 24th it was official, the sale of our house that is. It was rather, what shall I say, anti-climactic. I was never quite convinced that it was going to happen and didn't even believe it until the money was in our checking account. I kept thinking something would go wrong.

We put our house up FOR SALE in September (as most of you know) and had been begging the Lord for months and months to sell it in the "terrible" market. David and I were both commuting to Denver (since January) and it was putting somewhat of a strain on our marriage. I needed to be in Denver to do my job and he needed to be in Denver to be able to minister effectively. We essentially felt trapped and unable to go forward in the new calling He had placed on our lives.

Truthfully there were times when I felt like the Lord was mocking us because it all didn't make sense. Especially when our next door neighbor put her house up for sale, when there were houses identical to ours in worse condition that sold for more money, when foreclosures went on the market for SO CHEAP! Then there were all the weekends we spent looking for houses up in Denver to buy so that when ours sold we would have somewhere to move and each house that we were even remotely interested in sold (yes, in this market).

We kept pleading with God to show us what to do and then a miracle happened that allowed us to rent up here in Denver while our house was still on the market within our budget. So we found a great condo in Parker and moved on Valentine's Day.

Then, the next week a lady put an offer on our town home! Not even kidding...the next week!

Of course at that point, I was moved, already unpacked and had accepted that we were going to be renting. I had made peace with the fact that the Lord would take care of us (He already had). I had let go and trusted without stress, without fear, without worry and that is when it happened.

Now I don't think that is the "formula" for getting God to do what I wanted but I must say that I did learn a lot through the 6 months. The biggest lesson I learned was that what I treasured most wasn't that God sold the house but that He stayed by me through the trial and He taught me valuable truths about Himself and my relationship with him. Now, I have a greater understanding of how He communicates with me and my relationship with Him is better for that experience as hard as it was for me at times.

That is the short story about the "house" and what happened. I thought I would need a house to make a home...I thought "that" was the next step for us. But truthfully, I am content in our condo--I like the location, I like the layout, I like the people we rent from and most importantly, David and I can do what the Lord has called us to do.

Thank you to everyone who stood with us during this time and offered up prayers and encouragement on our behalf. You were all such a blessing!

I am waiting for the walls in our condo to be painted to post pictures of our new place...more to come soon.


Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news, Ali! I am so happy for you guys that your house sold!

Also, this is something I really needed to hear right now. I am continually frustrated that our old house still has not yet sold...and, I don't know, I also have tried to just let go and let happen whatever needs to happen. Anyway, I appreciate you writing this post, as it really spoke to me. So, thank you.

And congrats again! Can't wait to see pics of the new condo!

Michelle Dykstra said...

You're way too good at blogging. I have a story in my head, and I can get it out in 3 sentences. You have a story and it's 4 paragraphs!! So you'll have to check out my NEW BLOG!!!!! medykstra.blogspot.com

Greg and Jen said...

Praise God!! What wonderful news!! =)

Cindy said...

A miracle - what a wonderful blessing in your life. I think we take miracles for granted way too often. PTL for your home selling~~, time to relax !

Joanna said...

That's so awesome, Ali. I love that story of how God is so faithful. I hope you are loving Parker! It looks like such a great place to live!

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