Monday, July 28, 2008

I was tagged well kind of!

My friend tagged me on her blog. I love her blog - it is so fun and funny and creative. I'm not sure how this works but I think this is what you're supposed to do...

First, the rules.

1. link back to the person who tagged you. (did it, above)

2. post these rules on your blog.

3. share six unimportant things about yourself.

4. tag people at the end of your entry.

My 6 facts:

1. I can blink my eyes really fast. Really really fast. I started doing it when I was little to freak people out. Now it just freaks my husband out.

2. I was on the Price Is Right when I was 18. I have the video but don't ask to see it because it's ultra-embarrassing. I won a couch, and a little scooter thing. The couch is in our basement and I have rescued it many times from Robby trying to get rid of it.

3. I love to read. When I get into a good book, the world around me just falls away and I get immersed in it. This is not good when you have kids. Must find a balance.

4. I don't eat fry butts. You know, that little piece at the end of the french fry that you hold on to when you dip it. I just think it's kinda gross to eat the part that's been smushed in your fingers the whole time so I throw it back. My fry container at the end is a whole bunch of fry butts.

5. I am fluent in Jibberish. When I am thinking something that I don't want everyone around me to hear, but I do want to tell one or two people, my mind automatically flips into this language called "Jibberish" that my friends and I used to speak in high school. We used it to talk about people in front of their faces without them knowing (I know, I was so nice in high school), and we even wrote notes in the language. Somehow it stuck and now I often find myself thinking in Jibberish.

6. I keep earrings in the door of the car in case I need them. I did not think this was unusual, but I just asked Robby for a weird fact about myself and this is what he told me. So apparently, it's weird.

OK, on to the are so so many people I want to know 6 random facts about that my list would be forever long, so if you are reading this, YOU'RE TAGGED!
HA! I got everyone! Now GO!


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