Monday, August 25, 2008

My Two Reasons

Today I read the adoption story of Losiah and was prompted to share my heart on adoption. I have two reason's for believing in adoption...


In 2003, my sister and her husband adopted Lily and in 2005, they adopted Matthew from Chine. My sister was the first person to have the passion for adoption and I have now caught the bug. When I am around Lily and Matthew, I can't imagine them not having a family, not knowing the Lord, not knowing what a home feels like. I can't imagine them not apart of our family and they are such opposites. Lily is delicate, proper, quiet, sensitive and smart. Matthew is rough, expressive, witty and a daredevil. They both fit so well into our family (my sister also has two other children).

When I was in college I remember I having a very vivid dream where I was holding a baby, my daughter, but she was not mine by natural birth. At that time I felt as if this were the Lord telling me that one day I would adopt. I am not certain that is the case...time will tell. However, David and I did talk about it before we were married. We both agree that if the time were right and the calling of the Lord completely sure, we wouldn't hesitate for a moment.

I know this, I am very thankful for my Savior that chose to adopt me when I couldn't do anything to help myself...why wouldn't I do the same for another?


Joanna said...

Wow Ali, that's really cool. I really admire you for having a heart for adoption. And I was just sitting here thinking how the blog world is so cool, and how you can make connections through different people like this, and God can touch your heart through people you don't even know. And I love that dream you had. How amazing that you recognized that as the voice of God and haven't forgotten about it.

Jess said...

Your heart for adoption is similar to mine. I remember in my first nanny job looking at the baby boy and thinking, I seriously can't love this child more even if he was biologically mine. I think God said in that moment, "That's what it's like when you adopt!"

I am so thankful God had adoption plans for us. I hope he does for you too!!!

the burchard bunch said...

thanks for the comment! your niece and nephew are beautiful... I too have the same feeling about adoption and I guess only time will tell if it's meant to be :)

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