Sunday, March 8, 2009

Turbo the "not-so-great"

Today we went over to our friends house and they suggested we bring Turbo along for a play-date of sorts...

You see, us couples that have yet to make babies of our very own seem to view our pets as children from time to time.

Like the time I was on the airplane sitting next to a very large man {extraneous information but necessary for effect} that was taking up most of my seat and smelled of onions. Well he talked to me the whole flight {when I didn't have my ipod blaring}. Towards the end of the flight, we got on the subject of pets {can you see where this is going?} and I offered to show him a picture of my Turbo. Now mind you, this is the first time that I had shared information about myself. Well he {rudely} politely tells me that he could care less about seeing any pictures of my {child} dog. Needless to say, I didn't ask to see any pictures of his children!

Anyway back to the play-date...

So we went over to Michelle and Eric's to hangout and they have two dogs and a cat {who thinks he is a dog}. All the pets are around 5-10 lbs {turbo size} so we thought our little guy would have a great time.

Friends, let me tell you that my happy, vibrant, playful Turbo was a complete scaredy cat {dog}. He tried to escape back to the car several times when we first arrived and firmly planted himself on the couch next to my purse {practically in my purse and yes, he could fit} for much of the afternoon. Even the promise of a "good boy treat" would not make him flinch.

How embarrassing!

My dog is shy, scared and is in no way living up to his name!
We would have done better to name him "Turd" as in a turd that lies in the grass.
I kept making excuses like any mom would:
  • "Last summer he was traumatized by a huge black lab that tried to eat him."

  • "He didn't sleep well last night."

  • "He hasn't been himself since the move."

  • "He must be coming down with the flu."

  • "He's not like this at home..."

He eventually warmed up to the idea of getting off the couch but spent the rest of the afternoon by our feet.

What are we going to do with our little guy?

He is in need of some socialization with {kids} dogs his age.
Any {moms} pet-owners free for a play-date?


Anonymous said...

How silly that Turbo did that! We have a golden retriever and she does the same thing when we try play dates. It's even worse when they are BIG dogs and are scaredy cats!

Cute blog design by the way!

kei glass said...

HAHA, my huxley is a big scaredy too. We took him to training classes as Petsmart to help, and even after 8 weeks he's a big scaredy. But to be fair, he's a big scaredy at home too... but i still do the mommy type excuses for him...

Mo said...

haha I love the excuse, "he didn't sleep well last nigth"

You're hillarious. And I think that guy on the plane is a TURD!

Heather said...

Oh Turbo,
how funny is that. You did a nice job of covering for him tho.
I am so excited to be a part of this "blogger" world.

Anonymous said...

How dare you speak about my "Dog" Grandson that way. He is a sensitive, well meaning, lovely animal. I happen to know two dogs that are VERY fond of him. Shame on you Ali, Turb is so faithful to you! GOLLY!!! Run Turbo, run!

Unknown said...

I know our Gatsby would love to have a play date with Turbo. He does best with dogs his own size, so they would be perfect for each other. Now to find a time that works... :)

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